In 2000...

Hill Solutions was launched to help high-performing parliamentarians do even better. But our clientele soon expanded to include some of the best and brightest in politics, government, business and community. 

Today, we are among the best at effective communications, and among the brightest at guiding tactical actions in pursuit of targeted goals.

We get it done.

Today’s reality demands operational agility. With core expertise in strategic communications, stakeholder engagement, change management, public policy, politics, research, analytics and government relations, we help you get results efficiently and effectively. 

We keep it clean. We keep it simple.

Our compass is your success

Our Services

We understand your requirements and provide quality work.


Words yield the power to help, heal, hinder, humiliate or humble. We can help you craft effective content and deliver both specific and integrated solutions that best channel your goals, influence opinions and motivate action in your targeted audience. We are especially adept at audience analysis, narrative and message development, timelines and channels of delivery.


Someone always has to be convinced about something. We can help you improve your outreach and relationship capacity with the people that are important to you. Whether employees, customers, diverse communities, voters, consumers or adversaries, through research, audience analysis, strategic communications, tactical messaging and a host of relevant tools, we can help you achieve your goals.


The ever-evolving technological and sociological landscape are transforming the long-held rules and risks. Whether organizational problems, challenges or changes, we can help chart and forge the best way forward. Our tool box includes research, quantitative and/or qualitative methodologies, analyses and reports with the aim of improving the effectiveness of business strategy, organizational performance and operational processes.​

Our Team

Fred Sherman — Principal & CEO (Ottawa, Ontario)

Fred Sherman is a strategic communications and leadership expert. He has advised government, business, and political leaders; worked on national-scale Government of Canada change and modernization initiatives including for National Defence, Health Canada, the Public Service Commission, Treasury Board, Global Affairs Canada, and the Parliament of Canada. He has also trained Canadian teachers and military officers; and guided executive careers.

Louis Butt (London, England)

Louis brings expertise in environmental initiatives, diversity and global security. With work experience spanning Asia, Europe and Africa, he is a forward thinker with a Master of Arts in Conflict, Security, and Justice from King’s College London; and a BA in Political Science and History from the University of Toronto. He is fluent in English, French and Spanish, and proficient in Japanese.

Robert Dekker (Ottawa, Ontario)

Robert is a policy and political strategist with strong connections across Canada’s capital. His expertise includes issue research, legislative analysis, tactical messaging, narrative development, rapid response and media training for public and committee presentation. A firm believer in activism as a catalyst for good, he has counseled community and political stakeholders; and supports Canadian Veterans

Denny Brown (Aylmer, Quebec)

Denny Brown is a 23-year veteran of the Canadian Armed Forces who brings experience in business practices, strategic communications and marketing. After suffering a horrible loss when his youngest child, Audrey, succumbed to a mitochondrial disease at the age of 3, Denny dedicates some of his time to bringing awareness to mitochondrial issues.

Bettina Pierre-Gilles, CPA, CMA, MBA, ICD.D (Calgary, Alberta)

Bettina is a leading business executive with CFO level financial, commercial and business development experience. A decorated alumnus of Queens and University of Toronto, she brings 23 plus years of extensive experience in strategic planning and management, including work on transactions in China, India, Asia, Middle East, Former Soviet Union, Africa, South America, Europe and North America.

Yanaminah Thullah (Ottawa, Ontario)

Yanaminah provides public education through policy analysis, public speaking engagements, and consulting on various topics. Yanaminah is a diversity, equity, inclusion, and decolonization practitioner who is dedicated to community development. With a background in International Studies and Modern Languages, Yanaminah has a deep understanding of the issues facing marginalized communities (internationally and domestically) and a passion for creating systemic change through various mediums.

Paul Martin (Toronto, Ontario)

Paul is a high-performing technical IT, marketing, consultant, and adult educator with over 20 years of business experience. He is a digital marketing strategist with a track record of increased sales and improved outcomes for over 200 companies. A certified coach and a college professor, he has authored post-secondary courses; and has also excelled in competitive sports administration.

Sena Aydoner (Ottawa, Ontario)

Sena brings strengths in strategic communications, public policy, polling, opinion research, political campaigns and market intelligence. An alumnus of Carleton University’s renowned BPAPM program with a specialization in Strategic Public Opinion as well as a minor in Law with Distinction, she is a consummate professional who goes the extra distance.

Liam McPherson (Halifax, Nova Scotia)

Liam is a communications expert and alumnus of Carleton University's Bachelor of Journalism program. He brings years of government social media and communications experience, and also with parliamentary offices and on federal campaigns. Liam is bilingual (fluent in English, functional in French) and skilled at bringing communications goals to life.

Denise Siele (Ottawa, Ontario)

Denise Siele brings a deep understanding of politics, public policy, media outreach and stakeholder engagement. A seasoned public affairs professional, she works with leaders and stakeholders across national, provincial and local governments, industry and non-profits.

Our Clients

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